Capitol Plumbing & Heating Ltd.
Social Media
Capitol Plumbing & Heating Ltd.
Safe and Trusted Canada provides information to consumers about businesses through an Information Only Profile.
Information Only profiles are based on what consumers would readily find about the business on the internet.
It may include contact data for the company if available as well as links to social media, and review sites that contain the business profile.
Users have the responsibility to view all the links, rating, and reviews. The review sites can be positive or negative. View the Better Business Links if they are available. The links can change at any time. The Site adds Information Only profiles as they are found on the internet and does not restrict profiles based on the quality of the links.
Information Only Profiles contain profiles both positive and negative. The information may assist you in determining who you may wish to consider as well as those that you may wish to avoid.
As a consumer remember that Safe and Trusted Canada does not accredit, validate, or endorse any business. A business as an Information Only profile is exactly as it is highlighted " Information Only"
As a business, if your Information Only Profile needs updating, the business can contact Site Admin by email. The business may apply for a free Basic Subscription which allows the business owner to add content and update their profile at any time. As a matter of policy, removal of Information Only profiles occur if we receive information that the business is no longer in operation.
(In business since 2014)
CLICK HERE to leave a review.
Reviews will appear here once they have passed the approval process
Air Conditioning
Contractors, Commercial, Industrial
Services, Air Conditioning, Commercial, Furnace, Heating, Plumbing, Renovation
Furnace Contractors, Services, 24 Hour Emergency Service, Commercial-Industrial, Furnace Inspections
Contractors, 24 Hour Emergency Service, Furnace Inspections, Maintenance Programs
Services, Plumbing Contractors, Backflow Prevention, Back Flow Testing, Commercial, Commercial Plumber, Drain Cleaning, Emergency 24 Hour Service, Plumbing Repair, Residential, Sewer Line Inspection, Video Camera Inspections
Water Heater
Contractors, Services, 24 Hour Emergency, Commercial, Residential, Maintenance Agreements
The Site automatically reduces the subscription to an Information Only profile should the subscription be cancelled. The company may also be archived.
See When We Archive a Business.
Protect Your Interests at all Time Video
- Information Only Profiles are as advertised to the public on the internet.
- As a matter of policy, the Site does not recommend, accredit, suggest, promote, or validate any business. Consumers do that through reviews.
- The Site provides public links to review sites that permit us to publish those links.
- The Site provides private links to all other trademarked review sites about the business directly only through their account access.
- Subscription types give business owners different advertising options, but the Site does not suggest that credibility determines the subscription level.
- Users can use the Credentials Search's advanced features to determine the degree of reliability for each business.
- It is the responsibility of the user to check the credentials advertised by the business.
- Notify Site Admin immediately where the business is advertising credentials they do not have, or information is not current.
- The company and the consumer entirely determine transactions with each other.
- Safe and Trusted Canada does not mediate complaints, issues, or concerns.
- Seek legal advice for complex transactions.
- Protect your interests as the removal of the business may occur at any time.
- See all subscription types for businesses.
- See our YouTube Channel playlists.
System Videos